Thursday, November 6, 2008

When will I learn to smile today?

Some time I was talking to one of my friend and we were talking about her daughter and somehow talk slipped like how we might have been at the small age and suddenly a smile was there on our face and we were imaging as it was always a funny and happy moments of anyone’s life. And later it changed to an imagination how we will be at the old age. Then also it broke to laughs most times as we were imagining us without teeth and skinny and all.
Later the day my thought went I never felt it so funny about today. Nor I ever felt it so when I was kid nor now…
May be it’s a truth that we don’t know how to see our today’s. We always see it serious when it’s about today and see most imaginative and laugh out about past or future. And I am sure I will find it lot difficult when I am old with no teethes and skinny and weak.  
Ya I felt I am wrong somewhere again… in seeing things around me and taking it….
I just forget to laugh about todays!!!

"He who laughs best today, will also laughs last." - Friedrich Nietzsche 

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