Monday, November 24, 2008

How long should I wait for the dog days?

Of course I just know, even though they said it will come, days of these won't come any day. A day of dreams? Truely difficult. 

On a fine after noon after my lunch, I was just heading for my usual walk. I just stopped as I met on of my friend on the way and we were just talking and saw one girl who was on a activa and zooming overtaking some people with a great speed. Suddenly he was saying he will really feel angry if some woman do the same infront of his bike and will overtake back as soon as possible. I don't have the same angry usually as I am not that passionate about bike. But may be I will have similar feeling if some woman walks faster than me :)

Some where or the other its deeply written inside that woman are not capable of doing things better than men, though it's sure the whole concept is wrong in its roots. Lot of times when we go on a bike without any need for speed, if some woman overtake our bike, will really feel to ride faster and overtake and go faster than that girl or woman. So mostly I feel slowest bike of any man will be faster than fastest woman's bike as it's kinda ego clash :) A woman overtaking me means I m too weak that even women started overtaking me :) Yep it's so old a egoist approach some human had and it's still with me... When will I change?

When I was about to post this, I had a feel like it's bit rude to write about this as it's bad to openly say about this stupid thought... But it's really a truth that exists and I don't really find a reason to be hypocrite. I am just trying to fight back against any trace I can find inside my mind which supports or cater this ego :) 

Anyway I just wrote this to make myself count the days towards that dog days, a day when people are seen as people and not as classifications...  not as woman or man, not as black or white, nor as poor or rich, and stop deciding how they should live :) So I am just waiting here looking towards my own mind to see when I change really to a human than mere a man :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Most amazing moment...

I guess in my life I see lot of varieties of people. But I may be able to have a classification which will make the whole lot to two groups.

  1. Those we see often and has to talk sometimes.
  2. Those we like to meet and spend time and talk
First group can range from enemies to people who are observing and who might change to second group any time. We have to say a hi or might have to have a smile for them though we know we don't want to waste them. Even bad is when we have to talk for sometime as we will be in trouble finding some interesting common topic. Mostly it will end with health, family, work etc. 

Second group is those we meet someday and feel so happy spending time and talk. You will be able to be free with them. Will feel they are so close and part of your soul itself.. mostly close friends or so.

Worst life of a person is when he has to live with a first group person and best moments of life will be the time we get to spend with second group person whether it's a life time or just a moment.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

CEO was killed by sacked employee

First reaction which I had when I saw this news was a smile... An employee lost his job and he killed his boss.. Now what he actually lost? job which was supposed to keep his life or his life itself? :) Of course, he lost a lot more than life. May be I am wrong as there are a lot of big people who lived and dead for some ideas. Was those works based on emotions? I don't know. 

We have a lot of things which we gain by our job. A secure life, a cool place to stay, a good car to travel and nice hang outs etc. We get a lot of respect from others too... We get used to these things and feel these are needed for our life. And without these we can't live. May be it's little difficult to live without these. But it's not an impossible thing. So lot of times it's extremely stupid when we waste our life for those things which fill our life. So I guess it's entirely different from those who left their life for others.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When that day will come?

"You, do you remember me?,
Like, I remember you?"

This is few lines from one of my favourite songs. We can hear as much songs and make some favourites. But to feel them in personal life means a lot. You will really love this moment even though it's really painful. Also this is the last time you can having this feel - the moment of suspense and waiting. Until the day when my prayer was granted and "our path's soon will cross"...

To see a person and get interested is much common. But it will be bad if you meet a person on a sudden fine morning and you get a so much interest in half and hour... and worst is when you get such a feel for a person whom usual people won't find an ideal match with you. Ya, They say so... "You should stand as a different person. Be a rose in dalia field" But its really horrible. 

You will meet the person and talk for half and hour and you will feel "this is the person... the best person... just the type I am looking for... " and you have to leave and go away. Now each time you might be refreshing your mail box... looking at your mobile whether it was a call or msg?... ya another hope that this is the day which our paths may cross each other... but.... it just leaves my eyes to ache...

Friday, November 7, 2008

What you gain from all these?

This was a serious question which I heard from a set of small kids. It was a killer thought for me.... "What you gain from all these?" We went for a trek to Ombattu Gudde. All we had was 9 people with a compas and map and heavy backpack. Ombattu Gudde is thick evergreen forest and path to the peak is so confusing. View at the top is really breathtaking and was really amazed with the pictures of the peak from other sites. We had an idea that one more set of people are trying to hit the peak the same weekend. So we reached base village and started walking. Some or the other place we got to wrong place and then map and compas was really waste as we were having no idea where we were standing... Some what like our life :) At last in the evening we reached some place which is somewhat like a top of waterfall which has less water as its summer. Dangerous situation... Tourch cells were draining, had a chance of rain.... All we had was some petrol, we made some fire and hoped wild animals won't come near us seeing fire. We have few rocks which each one can lye on.. So few people decided to do gaurd when others sleep and decided we will shift this duty.... But danger will be if rain comes as tourches will drain off within couple of hours and fire will go off if its raining... 
That was the first morning when I really felt so much happy when sun was coming out.... Really felt that we got one more day... Everyone was so happy and smiles were everywhere as we were not attacked by any animals... May be animals were thinking the same too :)
After all these adventure, we could realize that we are completely lost to find the path to the peak and has to go back via the base village itself. So we walked down and spend some long time in the river playing with water and refreshing and all. Atlast we approached the base village. There was a bunch of kids playing cricket. When we were coming, they started telling each other in a local language hoping no one in our group know that language and I was knowing this language. 
Kids talk was something like "Oh these people also couldn't make reaching the peak.. One group already passed this way as they couldn't make it even... Has to work hard to reach the peak... Lazy can't make it. And what's use of going for it? What do they gain by going to peak? Take some pictures? What do they gain by taking picture - taking all the risk and difficulties? What's the use of all these difficulties?"

I really started thinking why do I do all these? Really senseless. I do a lot of things and some with great difficulty too... But what's the need? Why do I do all these? Atleast it's just sensible for me... Others won't find any sense in the things which I do. As it's all personal interests.... So why do I expect others to do similar things as I do? Don't I feel a lot of people as weird? Doing stupid things? I guess I am that kid a lot of times in my life... Blaming a lot of people and trying to laugh at those people who take initiative and try to do new things in life and try to make fun of them who fails some times... am I not expected to support and cheer up those? and what do I do? and what do I gain from all these? from laughing at them?
Ya I reached back to the first question...
"What do I gain from all these?"

Thursday, November 6, 2008

When will I learn to smile today?

Some time I was talking to one of my friend and we were talking about her daughter and somehow talk slipped like how we might have been at the small age and suddenly a smile was there on our face and we were imaging as it was always a funny and happy moments of anyone’s life. And later it changed to an imagination how we will be at the old age. Then also it broke to laughs most times as we were imagining us without teeth and skinny and all.
Later the day my thought went I never felt it so funny about today. Nor I ever felt it so when I was kid nor now…
May be it’s a truth that we don’t know how to see our today’s. We always see it serious when it’s about today and see most imaginative and laugh out about past or future. And I am sure I will find it lot difficult when I am old with no teethes and skinny and weak.  
Ya I felt I am wrong somewhere again… in seeing things around me and taking it….
I just forget to laugh about todays!!!

"He who laughs best today, will also laughs last." - Friedrich Nietzsche 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Survival of fittest - Kill the silent

Recently I payed a visit to Coorg and on the way back we visited Bylakuppe. This is a tibetian settlement in Karnataka. I was used to love this place. Two were the reasons.
  1. I personally have a small affinity towards budhism.
  2. I have a soft corner for Tibetians and like their dress code and feel their face itself stands for peace and that peace transfers to us when we see them itself.
So I was so excited when I heard that I might be able to visit them again. I was ready with my camera too as I like photographing them even. When we reached we heard their prayer from distance which will make vibrations in anyones minds. While entering one of our team member was describing about history and was telling Tibet is part of India. I tried to tell him it's not( didn't worked out ). When I reached near their prayer hall, I was feeling the peace and was getting involved in their chant sounds and music though I don't know any of their things.

But I found it's difficult to be their with concentration as people( this include kids of 11 till above 50 ) were making lot of rush running here and there and in main prayer hall I tried to sit some times and photo flashes were flashing every 5 seconds. Slim digital cameras, mobile cameras etc every where... Lot of people posing infront of praying people as its a rare scene. I was really iritated by now. Isn't it a huge arrogance? DIGITAL ARROGANCE?

I really felt sad for them. People who are so calm and peaceful. They were attacked in their own country and had to run away from their country and now we went to that place and started attacking them showing we have these digital devices? and try not to give them any peace even during their prayer and sleep.

I was really irritated and came outside and I saw most peaceful people now running as each person asking them to pose with them. I guess they may be now spending 2 hrs a day posing like a statue for some unknown people. I just imagined how it will be like if 10 people ask me to pose with them when I go to office in the morning :O

What he is different from me? Is he not a human? haha if he is not a human I can attack with some digital device? May be I see similar faces when I go some remote villages and take pictures of kids. May be they are wondering whats different about them that I am taking their picture.

Now I really felt bad and didn't had any wish to touch on my camera. Are we making some set of people as rare species? Like we did about animals? If yes what was the difference from us with them? May be it's that they are people who don't get angry so fast just as we can do? May be it's true. We are just arrogant to those who are calm and silent. We make their life so worst and make them decide to run away, to corners of world.

He is designed to kill me

There was an engineer. Once he made a machine to which we can give a person's name as input and machine will start attacking the person until he dies....and he tests machine with his own name... Now its the game... either his machine fails which is a failure for him or he himself die which is another one... 

This is me... who just made my own truths and kept it as a machine and who don't know whether to let my truth win or me win... each day me and my machine goes for a race and I know some day either it kills me or I will declare machine faulty and change it and set it again to my name... and I don't know whether there is a way out from this