Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What if we have power?

I was just imagining some time if we had power... :D ya power to go back to past and go to future. Oh man, I think then both nostalgia and fantasies will not have a moment of excistance. May be none of our fantacies might be perfect nor as good as we feel about it. Fantacies we change every time when we win the destination of our fantacy, we just kill that and start fantacying something different from that. 

 Nostalgia is much safer in this sense. We can't go back and reach the situation when we feel the best time of our life. So we won't be able to realize that we don't really want the same. May be I think its so close with the thought that we need to learn to live today... 

Happy that I don't have the power so that I feel I don't have a better tomorrow or didn't had a better past and live for 'something'....

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