Friday, October 30, 2009

10th Year of Hungerstrike: Call for Action in Support of Irom sharmila

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Dear Friends,

On 2 November 2009, Manipur poet and activist Irom Sharmila, will enter the 10th year of her hunger strike demanding the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA).

Introduced in 1958 the AFSPA grants the Indian military special powers throughout North-East India to:

Arrest citizens and enter their property without warrant;
Shoot and kill anyone on mere ‘suspicion’;
Enjoy immunity against legal action.
Under the cover of the Act the Indian armed forces have indulged in killing, torture, enforced disappearances and rape, bringing great shame to India and much misery to the people of Manipur. According to the government appointed Justice Jeevan Reddy Commission ‘the Act has become a symbol of oppression, an object of hate and an instrument of discrimination and high-handedness.’ The United Nations Committee on Racial Discrimination has urged the Indian government to repeal the law.

On 2 November, 2000 Irom Sharmila Chanu, a Manipuri poet decided to go on a hunger strike after the Indian Army massacred ten civilians in Malom, Manipur. On 6 November 2000 she was arrested by the police and charged with attempt to commit suicide under section 307 of the Indian Penal Code. Her health deteriorated gradually and she did not accept even a single drop of water.

On 21 November 2000 a plastic tube was inserted into her nose and liquid nutrient was inserted into her body. She has been surviving on this liquid diet and in solitary confinement as a high security prisoner for the last nearly ten years. She is routinely released every year only to be re-arrested again. This ritual has been going on for a decade now.

In solidarity with her local civil society, particularly the women, have been on a relay hunger strike since December 10, 2008. On the occasion of her struggle entering the tenth year, they are poised to celebrate her resilience as a “Festival of Hope, Justice and Peace”. We the following organisations are convinced that Sharmila’s struggle is not just to defend the human rights in Manipur, but in reality it is reshaping the very foundations of democracy in India. Therefore, it is important that all those who defend justice, peace and democracy to support her struggle. Hence, we wish to celebrate Sharmila’s courage and resilience as her struggle enters the 10th year from 2 to 6 November 2009 . We call upon all people’s movements, women’s organisations and human rights forums to initiate the following actions:

Protest or symbolic hunger fast in support of Sharmila’s demand to repeal AFSPA on November 2nd or November 6th.
Protest in front of Indian embassies all over the world.
Organise students in schools and colleges to write poems in support of Sharmila’s demands. These can be publicised through
Organise Human Rights Film Festivals in support of Sharmila Irom from November 2nd to November 6. A package of films will be available through INSAF, phone: 011-65663958
Highlight all cases of human rights violations in Manipur and the North-East India
Popularise the poster for action available at from October 15th onwards (the poster can be freely used to be printed and circulated according to your local needs.)
Write letters to Chief Minister of Manipur and Prime minister of India with copies to and
Organise public meetings in support of Sharmila Irom’s demand to repeal AFSPA.
Organise book reading sessions / interaction / discussion / talks with the latest book on Sharmila by Deepti Priya Mehrotra called `Burning Bright’ (published by Penguin Books). Priya Mehrotra can be contacted at: 9711793492, or 011-26011078
Any other action you may think appropriate to express solidarity with the tenth year of struggle by Sharmila Irom.
Please inform details about your actions with photographs to so that a wider section of people can be informed.

Please circulate this appeal to all your friends so that a strong campaign can be initiated to generate maximum pressure to repeal AFSPA.

We do hope that you will do everything within your means to make this campaign successful.

Image courtesy : Tehelka | Adishakti Lokbikash Sangthan (Orissa) | Adivasi Adhikar Abhijan Mayurbhanj (Orissa) | Adivasi Bikash Parisad (Orissa) | Adivasi Chetona Manch(Orissa) | Adivasi Moolvasi Asistva Raksha Manch, Jharkhand | AID, Delhi Chapter | Akhra, Jharkhand | Anchalik Bikash Parisad(Orissa) | Anchalik Jungle Surakshya Sangthan (Orissa) | Anchalika Adivasi Unnayan Parishad(Orissa) | Ancholia Unnayan Parishad(Orissa) | Ancholiko Unnayan Sangh(Orissa) | Ancholiko Vikas Parisad(Orissa) | ANHAD | Anti SEZ struggle organisation, Kakinada, AP | Antyodaya Chetana Mandal (Orissa) | Balmianni Kutomi (Orissa) | BHARATIYA MUSLIM MAHILA ANDOLAN | Bharatiya Muslim Women’s Movement | Centre For Research on New International Economic Order (Orissa and TN) | Citizen for human rights movement, Tamil Nadu | Citizens’ Committee on Communal Harmony | Common Concern, Orissa | Dalit Women Forum, Secunderabad, AP | Deo-mali Mahila Sangh(Orissa) | EKTA ( committee for communal amity) Mumbai | Forum for Women’s Rights & Development (FORWORD), Tambaram, TN |FOrum Kerala | Gana Chetana Sangthan (Orissa) | Ganglamaa Vikash Manch(Orissa) | Ganjam Jilla Adivasi Manch, Ganjam, Orissa | Gram Sahajog(Orissa) | Gramanchal Bikash Parisad(Orissa) | Himalayan Niti Abhiyan, HP | Ho Munda Bhasa Bikash Manch (Orissa) | Human Rights Alert, Manipur | Human Rights Law Network, Delhi | Indian Association for Women’s Studies ( IAWS) | INSAF , Delhi | Institute of Human Rights Education, Chennai | Integrated Rural Development of Weaker Sections in India (Orissa, AP and TN) | Jahar Surkshya Manch (Orissa) | Jan Pahal , Madhya Pradesh | Japadhar Bachao Andolan , Orissa | Jatadhar Banchao Andolan | Jungle Jivan Surakshya Parisad(Orissa) | Just Peace Foundation, Manipur | Kabani -The Other Direction | Kasti Dakua Adivasi Mohasangha(Orissa) | Kerala Swatantra Matsya Thozhilali Federation | Kisan Morcha, Bikaner, Rajasthan Dalit Sena, Jodhpur, Rajasthan | Kriti Team, Delhi | Kuvi Bdayu (Orissa) | Kuvi Kulomi (Orissa) | LOK MANCH, Aurangabad, Biha | Loka Adhikar Manch | Loka Unnayan Sangha (Orissa) | Mahendragiri Adivasi Adhikar Samiti (Orissa) | Mahila Morcha, Banswara, Rajasthan | Malaygiri Bikash Manch(Orissa) | Moving Republic, Bangalore | Mukti Sanghthan(Orissa) | Munigiri Gana Sangthan (Orissa) | Nari Bikash-Women Organisation(Orissa) | National Adivasi alliance | National Alliance of People’s Movements | National Alliance of Women Organisations, Orissa | National Coastal Women’s Movement | National Hawkers Federation | New Socialist Alternative ( Bangalore) | Niyamgiri Surakshya Abhijan | Niyamgiri Surakshya Manch, Orissa | Niyamgiri Surkshya Manch(Orissa) | Odisha Adivasi Adhikar Abhijan (Orissa) | Orissa Development Action Forum (Orissa) | Orissa Human Rights Forum, Bhadrakh District,Orissa | Pahadi Sangrami Manch(Orissa) | Pathabhedam Magazine, Calicut | Peoples Movement Against Nuclear Energy , Koodankulam | Peoples watch , Madurai | POSCO Pratirodh Sangram Samiti, Orissa | Project level committee (Orissa) | Reach Out , Delhi | Roopankan , Indore, Madhya Pradesh | Rural Action for Development (Orissa) | Rusimal Anchalik Unnayan Parishad (Orissa) | Sahaya(Orissa) | SAJAG ( Sahariya Jan Gath Bandhan ) | Sajukodi Dhorti Surkhya Porisod(Orissa) | Samajik Vikasa Kendram (Orissa) | Samajika Parivartan Vikas Kendra (Orissa) | Samvedan Sanskritik Manch, Ahmedabad, Gujarat | SANGAT , Delhi | Saura Adivasi Ahikar Abhijan (Orissa) | Seva Bharati (Orissa) | Shaheen (Women Resource Centre), Hyderabad, AP | Shakti Sangthan(Orissa) | SICHREM, Bangalore | Socio Economic Development Programme (Orissa and West Bengal) | SUDHANTHRA, rehabilitation centre for victims of domestic violence and torture, Madurai | Theeradesa Mahilavedi, Kerala | VIBGYOR Film Collective | Visual Search, Bangalore | Zailaitmu(Orissa)

Friday, October 23, 2009

I won't fall

I think most of us are like small kids... who declare I wont fall down on bus as the pole I m holding is strong... and show its strong while he/she forget the fact that he/she is not strong enough to stick to the pole when bus travels fast :)

Three steps

Last day I was feeling sometimes all our life has just few basic steps we follow..
3 basic steps of our life...

  1. Jump and do what we want to do.. - will do according to our wish to attain what we want right now.... Even though its so clear its so stupid to do it...
  2. Find reasons and hopes which made us go for it.. - this is the major thing which we do and give maximum strain for... We have to gain support from others and make others and ourself believe we had a proper plan..
  3. Declare plan failed only because of some external source and find new way to get out of problem.. - this is extension of second step... We will declare only because of someone else's troubles we reached to the trouble for our plan... and suddenly jump to step 1 doing something which we feel right then... :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Save My Child!!!

Recently I noticed an ad in yahoo(God of disturbing ads, I hate this company for aggressive and stupid ads). The ad looked so catching... its some two hands coming out from a dark cell calling for help. I checked the link(hihi I never wish yahoo to get few cents for my click) it was some 

First impression I had in mind was that it's some guy who is caught in jail or so and pleeding a country to free him. Then I read this is a kid of 10 yrs or so. Oh some country caught him mistakenly? Eagerly I went to site and started reading.
Now my shock was doubled. It's some story that this kid's mother took him away from his father. For that someone gave ad in yahoo?? Real wonder. Now it was a series of wonders.. Heights of stupidity I would love to call even though its my own feeling over it and you can say its wrong for sure. But really I felt like laughing or cry. 

A man, some Dr.Y complain that his son - aditya is being kidnapped by his mother who is "Remarks and caution: Mentally severely ill. Public must not apprehend her directly. Contact police or the nearest American Embassy. Highly violent and suicidal. Police officials must put her on 24 hour suicide watch upon apprehending her."

Then I went through the site. It was purely one sided. Parents were fighting. So US court gave equal custody of kid to both mother and father. Now having kid with her, she leave to India. So he went to court and got full custody of kid as she couldnt come and present to court. With this court order, he gave complaint in FBI and then to Indian court. Site itself complains she is dangerous and "She moved Aditya from place to place to avoid tracing. Past 18 months 
she subjected to Aditya to live in seedy hotels which she changed often." 

I don't how you guys will feel when reading something like a woman is moving place to place and living without getting traced, but really image that came to my mind is that someone is chased so much... Site shows a letter from a psycologist saying she seemed unstable and feeling his father abuse kid and attack. I don't know why this should be considered as severely metally ill :D... 

Of course I don't know... May be all these people who know her more might be knowing much.. But I felt sad for her somehow... Even though I felt no one supports her on the face of earth... may be just the claim of site. 

Only doubt I had was: A woman gets married with a man in US... of course he marries as she is fine... Have a kid also... I don't think they didn't talked before having kid. Now when kid is around 10 yrs old, she became mentally ill... that too reason is that she fears her kid will be sexually abused by his father. How a woman who was married to a man start feeling unsafe like this? And if he get to know that he is unstable, why he never tried to help her by giving some care atleast medical care? He thought of getting a proof that she is mentally unstable only when he wanted to custody of kid? I really feel she had some bad 10 yrs that made her unstable if she became one. The people behind who is so concerned that kid is not sent to school for 18 months are pleading doctors, school administrators not to allow either kid or mother to be admitted with them or never talk... Just call US people and they will come with army and take the illegal to jail.. :D Really they are not concerned whether kid is getting what he needs... In the hunt for the lady, they are making kids like more harder... Why they feel kid won't be good with her? Just the same she suspect about the father.. 

I feel if they really want kid to be fine, they should stop this stupidity and allow her to live... then kid will be going to school... some way it will be a better condition than this I guess... May not be a heaven that his father can give him... 

Really do you love the kid or want to power to have kid?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

For the same cause - To make my heaven to all

I know it’s late, but still I want to write because this is staying in my mind for long... Two incidents that happened recently that hurt me. Both happened in same month.

  1. China calls Dalai Lama "saboteur" of Tibet development
  2. Mangalore pub attack (Jan 24, 2009).

Usually I don't look to news papers or read news papers... Somehow I have a feeling most of them are made as big news and part of their business. But somehow I saw this news and really made me feel so bad and sad... 

When I read what China called Dalai Lama, I really felt like laughing out. They saying they wanted to make an area develop and have high ways and bridges and rail. That’s why they didn't allowed the native people to live as they want :) Chinese people were considered to be having brains. Anyway its part of their politics and its 50 years that they started occupation in Tibet to make the place 'heaven'... “Making their leader exile”. Not allowing journalists or outside people to know how is the life in the 'heaven'...  - Just to allow people to have the fruit of development.. 

Few girls chased and beaten by a gang of 40 men saying they are drinking in pub. Actually it was a way to make a party known to society and start a discussion. So SriRama sena got some public attention and leaders became leaders than just gundas and became some people who are standing for some cause - "Protect culture..." - Just to save people from fruit of development.

I really felt both done by similar people and basic mentality has real similarity. 

  • Both people want power
  • Both try to gain the power by attacking and scaring people
  • Both the suffering people won’t ever accept what power people doing to them, other than that they can't protest on their attack
  • ..... List really continues...
Somehow there are some people who want to gain the power. Power over others... and gain the monetary and other benefits of power. Really sometimes I don't know what we gain from all these... May be someday I will also have power, maybe I have the power today itself and might be attacking some people. 

But this type of attack is not very rare... When Taliban impose Islam rule in Pakistan valleys and Afghanistan, suddenly one day girl kids won't be able to go to school. Taliban should allow a place where those who don't want to accept their rule to be imposed live. China is saying about making heaven. Why don't they do an election and see if any of its leaders can win over Lama? haha how many of us know any Chinese leader? I think lot more people will be knowing Lama... 
When you say about Taliban, you can't really show America as angels too. They might be true but war making them part of power too. Killing or attacking people who believe in Taliban principle is part of same agenda... "Scared whether other will eat me."
It's true we can't give everyone freedom. But why we can't have a law which gives all people more freedom which won't really curb fellow being's freedom?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Why are we here?

"Why are we here?"
This looks a very simple question and really feel like it's easy to answer this. But I feel this is one of the most dangerous question we can face any moment of life... 
Whether we are in office, whether we are in church, whether we are in pub, whether we are in hotel, really this question can really make us restless...

I felt the power of this question recently while I was on a trek. I was not expecting it be this powerful but could make me almost fall down without any power to walk too... When I started the trek I was saying this statement to friends just as a fun... "Why are we here, we could have been in Bangalore - sleeping, eating nice food etc" (other options :)) We all took it fun too... But after sometimes we are getting tiered and the thought was going deep to our minds... really felt it... At a point I saw a tree which can save me from deadly sun... So I went upto that and lyed down under it thinking whether to go or not. Now I really found its difficult to answer the question... Why are we here?... We always have a better option which we left... Some other thing rather than this... But danger is that this other thing is also under the power of the same question. So I thought how to fight against this question and whats the best answer.. Atlast I found a suitable one which is also so vaugue... 

"Who knows whether we can do this later? May be we wont be able to do this later, won't be able to do this for ever... " 

This is really so valid thought too... Because no one can say what will happen for us tomorrow... Simply we can make ourself think this is the best time to do it and we will do this now itself.. :D But I feel myself as the most confused person how to live today..

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What if we have power?

I was just imagining some time if we had power... :D ya power to go back to past and go to future. Oh man, I think then both nostalgia and fantasies will not have a moment of excistance. May be none of our fantacies might be perfect nor as good as we feel about it. Fantacies we change every time when we win the destination of our fantacy, we just kill that and start fantacying something different from that. 

 Nostalgia is much safer in this sense. We can't go back and reach the situation when we feel the best time of our life. So we won't be able to realize that we don't really want the same. May be I think its so close with the thought that we need to learn to live today... 

Happy that I don't have the power so that I feel I don't have a better tomorrow or didn't had a better past and live for 'something'....